Customer Service Training Courses

At Bonfire Training, our customer service training courses are made up of time-tested methodologies that prompt your employees to attain and retain knowledge in easy and fun ways. It's always a good time to brush up on your communication and emotional intelligence skills—especially in this day and age!

Over the years, we've seen first-hand how customer service has evolved, and we know that proper customer care is one of the leading considerations consumers make before making a purchase. In fact, recent research has shown that receiving a high-quality customer experience is more important than cost to many consumers. With this trend in mind, your team would definitely benefit from a refresher course on overall customer care.

Keep reading to learn more about our full range of web-based and on-site customer service training courses and how we can help your team approach customer care in a new light.

Customer Service Essentials

Our Customer Service Essentials (CSE) course empowers your team members to make every interaction with clients productive and successful. We've designed this training to improve your team members' confidence so they can deliver exceptional customer care consistently. Throughout this course, we dive into customer service etiquette training and the best practices to deliver proven, reproducible communication techniques that create better relationships at your business. 

When teams learn to enhance their communication skills, they begin to understand how to transform customers into loyal and enthusiastic advocates of their company. We use customized, real-life examples that are relevant to your business and go beyond theory. Your team will learn customer service skills and how to apply these strategic techniques to any situation.

With Customer Service Essentials your team will learn how to talk to customers in a relatable, authentic, and professional way. The result is a consistent, top-level service model that creates a spark throughout your company's culture. Our flagship course can help with the following:

  • Handling Difficult Customers - We'll help you develop a custom formula for how to handle difficult calls, prevent escalations, reduce stress, and teach you to be an ambassador for your company.
  • The Customer Experience - To create a positive first impression, it’s essential to learn how to ask tactful questions to solicit the correct information and close calls with courtesy and professionalism.
  • Positive Communication - We'll teach you to use active listening skills to engage with customers, convey empathy, and choose positive words to increase cooperation.
  • Ownership Mentality - Attitude and mindset directly impact customer service. We can help you shift focus from blaming others to solving problems.

Sustain the trainging: customer service Essentials

Our Sustain the Training: Customer Service Essentials course is a companion course to our Customer Service Essentials course. It focuses on equipping leaders with mentoring strategies, personalized development plans, and post-training activities for long-term organizational success and personal growth.

Whether a leader operates purposefully or not, they are still leading and modeling behavior for their staff to follow. This type of customer service culture training course provides an intentional path to excellence through the consistent support and guidance of company leaders.

Sustaining training to improve company culture and create an environment where employees can thrive is our MO. We believe a great leader should always be intentional about their behavior, as they have one of the most significant impacts on learning transfer and keeping training alive. Trust us, outstanding leadership trickles down to unrivaled customer service. By taking our Sustain the Training for Customer Service Essentials course, leaders will be equipped with the skills to:

  • Ask better questions to promote meaningful dialogue
  • Lead by example to promote widespread success
  • Give positive and productive feedback
  • Conduct motivating coaching sessions
  • Ensure techniques are used consistently
  • Recognize the impact of positive coaching
  • Launch a welcoming coaching program

Train the Trainer & Licensing

Are you interested in delivering our training yourself? No worries! Our Train-the-Trainer course offers a convenient and cost-effective solution to help you keep the training going at your business year-round. For this course, your business's trainers will spend the day with their designated Bonfire trainer to learn the Customer Service Essentials concepts, as well as the psychology and reasoning behind them.

Once your trainers complete their service skills training with us, they'll feel comfortable and confident delivering the Customer Service Essentials course to your team and addressing any questions that may arise. After completing our customized customer service Train-the-Trainer certification program, you can have the luxury of ongoing training for both existing employees and new hires. 

With this program in place, you will make exceptional service the standard throughout your organization. Our Trainer Certification and License Agreement grants your organization full access to our proven Customer Service Essentials program. We'll help create consistency of service throughout your organization and also ensure you:

  • Have new methods to keep participants engaged
  • Understand techniques for excellent customer service
  • Deliver training that supports department goals
  • Know the psychology behind the techniques
  • Align training with your company values
  • Have a turn-key program to facilitate

Customer Service Advantage

The focus of our Customer Service Advantage course is to build vital behaviors that help your team increase customer loyalty while simultaneously improving overall morale, teamwork, and commitment throughout the workplace. You can check out some of our customer service training videos to get an idea of the different types of things we consider when implementing training.

This Customer Service Advantage course is grounded in DISC (a reliable behavioral assessment used to dissect different personalities and communication styles). This specific course was made to help advance participants' capabilities in six particular skills. The value of using DISC reveals each participant's tendency toward each skill. These six skills are:

  • Empathy – Understand the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of others and express care and concern
  • Resiliency – Recover from adversity and discomfort to perform at your best every time
  • Asking Great Questions – Formulate questions that extract valuable answers
  • Customer Advocacy – Actively and proactively support and promote what is good for others
  • Adaptability – Modify personal behaviors and emotions to create a receptive environment
  • Persuasion – Move others to a belief or action

Serving Self and Others

The Serving Self and Others course is ideal for any department or team interested in fostering better communication skills to improve your external customer experience. Each and every one of your employees has the ability and choice to show up for customers in an attentive, caring, and considerate way, and we want to promote that! This is one of the best customer service training courses to add to your curriculum when you want to improve your employees' work and personal lives.

This course examines how to fully show up for each customer interaction, even during those tough conversations. Making a difference and connecting customers to your organization is possible with the intentional utilization of specific techniques. To gain a customer's trust, receptivity, and cooperation, the following can be used to serve yourself and others better:

  • Mindset and Perspective - These are personal beliefs and the examinations of how these show up in our actions.
  • Resiliency - This is to recover from adversity and discomfort and to perform at your best every time.
  • Empathy - This is a skill about connection and caring to help manage customer emotions. Compassion fatigue is a feeling of indifference and numbness within us. Compassion fatigue can be overcome with specific techniques.
  • Messaging - This refers to making conscious choices with words, body language, and voice tone to help the customer's attention and comprehension.
  • Personal Motivation - It is essential to realize how we each have to motivate ourselves into meaningful action.

The Show Must Go On

In today's increasingly remote work environments, we know that opportunities like training can seem out of reach. But don't worry! If you are looking to enhance your team's skill set, we want you to know that we have a variety of online customer service training courses and resources available to you from the comfort of your home or office.

After a year like 2020, mandating customer service phone training and other digital communication training is necessary. Whether your team is spread across several locations or your day-to-day is simply too jam-packed to take an entire day off, our OnDemand customer service training is an excellent option to consider. Online customer service training seminars are here to help get your team up and running again.

Our quick and free customer service webinars are an excellent additional resource for any organization needing remote-friendly customer service online training. Want to learn more about our course offerings? Reach out to our team of customer service experts today! 

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