Serving Self and Others

Serving Others

Course Overview

Each employee has the ability and choice to show up for customers in an attentive, caring, and considerate way, which serves both the customer and them. This workshop examines how to accomplish this dual goal within each customer interaction, especially during tough conversations. Gaining a customer’s trust, receptivity and cooperation involves the ability to use the following five skills to serve yourself and others well.

  • Mindset and Perspective - This is recognizing our personal beliefs and how these show up in our actions.
  • Grit - The ability to purposefully perform at your very best, despite adversity and challenging situations.
  • Empathy - This is caring and creating a connection to help manage customer emotions. 
  • Messaging - Making conscious choices with words, body language and voice tone to help the customer’s attention and comprehension.
  • Personal Motivation - This means engaging the ability we each have to inspire ourselves into meaningful action.

Making a difference to each customer in a way that connects them uniquely to your organization is possible with intentional use of these techniques. These serve the customer well.

Learning Outcomes

  • Be a positive influence on the receptivity and cooperation of customers.
  • Feel motivated and confident to improve customer interactions.
  • Apply tools to cope with the emotional aspects of tough customer conversations.
  • Use techniques to create productive and caring customer conversations.

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“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”
Viktor Frankl

Business Outcomes

Improve Employee Grit

Improve the Caring Nature of the Organization

Enhance Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Improve Employee Performance

Program Format

This is a one-day, onsite, instructor-led session that can be split into shorter sessions to accommodate schedules.

Live remote training options are also available.

The program is presented in a multi-media, fun, interactive manner with group exercises to engage participants.

Materials support additional learning reinforcement.

Contact us to explore how we can meet your training goals! / 800-888-4893

Who should attend?

All front-line employees who are the main contact for external customers should attend.

Be Your Best, On Purpose, Every Time.

Make a difference with each customer in a way that connects them uniquely to your organization.

Let's Get Started