Human Interaction — Your Key in Training Customer Service Champions

Smiling Customer Service Professional

What do athletes and customer service professionals have in common? The need for coaching to achieve high-level performance. While your teams may not be running sprint drills, they are exercising various transactional and interactional skills to deliver exceptional customer service. As a team leader, you want to coach your people to develop these skills and build the mindset to apply … Read More

High employee turnover? Retain your team with great customer service training

Desirae training a group on DISC

Does this scenario sound familiar? More of your customer service representatives have left your company. Those who stay seem less enthusiastic about their jobs. They’ve been calling out sick more often, and your managers are struggling to properly staff your customer service department and meet customer expectations. Employee job satisfaction and turnover are constant challenges in customer service. But the … Read More

Why Your Customer Service Training Should Be Adaptive

Customer Service Training Class
Embracing change has become a guiding principle for many of today’s most successful business models—and for good reason! As a new generation enters the workforce, leaders need to offer adaptive training that applies to the day-to-day situations their employees *actually* face. The truth is, many of the professional development options companies offer are unsuitable for today’s workers. People are looking ... Read More

When It’s Time to Refresh Customer Service Training

desk with a laptop, some books and a clock
When was the last time your team participated in customer service training? If it’s been a year or more, you’re likely due for a refresh. It’s no secret that the customer service landscape continues to shift, and it’s essential for businesses to pivot in order to meet this moment. We know what you’re thinking: “I’ve taken customer service training in ... Read More