The Importance of OnDemand Customer Service Training

man with headphones taking notes during online course

Whether your team is spread across the country and in-person training isn’t an option, or you want to give your employees the option to complete training on their own time, virtual online training is the move!

Unlock the Secrets of Success: Handling Difficult Customers Training – Your Ultimate Survival Guide

A person in a suit draws a smiling face with a marker, next to a sad face, on a transparent surface.

Regardless of the industry you’re in, if you deal with customers, at some point in time you’re going to be confronted with a “difficult” one.But, here’s an important question to ask yourself. “Is the customer actually difficult, or are they merely upset?” Chances are the “difficult” customer is more likely an upset customer, and it’s your job to turn that frown, upside down. The good news is, you can do it in three steps!

Further Your Commitment to Above The Line Service With These Courses

small business training
What if we told you we could strategically cultivate high-quality customer service at your business in a way that’s fun, educational, and results-driven? It’s true! We understand that companies are looking to retain teams, and we think empowering them is a great way to do so. After all, a happy team is more likely to go the extra mile in ... Read More

The History of Bonfire Training

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We get a lot of questions about how Bonfire came to be—and how nearly 40 years later, we’re still out here sparking lasting change.

Are Smartphones Stealing Our Focus?

woman holding cell phone
Does anyone else remember a time when it was physically impossible to walk around with a tiny computer in your hand or pocket? Ahhh, the good ol’ days! While smartphones have definitely made life more convenient in many ways, we can’t help but wonder: at what cost? Anyone who has a smartphone knows the distractions it can present—but do you ... Read More

Showing Up Strong Guide

Showing Up Strong Guide graphic

Have you found yourself showing up differently over the past couple of years? At Bonfire Training, we’ve created a free, downloadable guide to give you some tips and tricks on how you can power through challenges and show up with an abundance mentality.

The Five Behaviors of a Team & How They Impact Your Organization

team working together in a meeting

Are the teams in your organization working together in a cohesive, productive way to achieve a central goal? Are they engaging with one another in a way that sparks connection and integrity? This type of team harmony doesn’t just happen—it takes some work.