Feeling Thankful: The Secret Sauce for Happy Customers

A loaf of braided bread, a pumpkin pie, and a sliced roll dusted with powdered sugar on a wooden table, surrounded by pinecones, cinnamon sticks, and a small red candle.

Hello! Today, let’s look at a subject that’s as simple as it is impactful: gratitude. We’re talking about why saying “thanks” to our amazing customers is more than just good manners—it’s a game-changer for our businesses. Especially, when we are being our best, on purpose, every time!   Building Best Friend-Level Trust: Okay, maybe not BFFs, but you get the … Read More

Spice Up Your Customer Service: Creating Moments that Wow!

Carnival Ride

Let’s talk about customer service, using the metaphor of a carnival ride. In the world of business, it’s not just about selling stuff; it’s about creating moments that matter. Buckle up for a rollercoaster of tips on how to craft memorable customer service moments that will make you the talk of the town. The Power of Customer Service Moments: Customer … Read More

Customer Experience vs. Customer Service

Customer Service

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the ultimate showdown in the world of business: Customer Experience vs. Customer Service! Grab your popcorn, because we’re about to turn this into a blockbuster movie of epic proportions. Customer Service: The Quick-Fix Heroes Meet our first set of superheroes: Customer Service! They’re like the Avengers of your business, always ready to … Read More

Why Giving Your All Is So Darn Good for You

Happy Coworkers
You've probably heard folks say, "Give it your best shot," right? Well, there's a pretty cool reason behind that advice. It's not just about nailing that project or impressing your boss; it's also about the awesome stuff that happens inside you when you put your heart and soul into what you do. Let's break it down in plain, everyday language ... Read More

Small Changes, Big Impact: How You Can Apply ‘Atomic Habits’ To Your Customer Service Teams

Four people engage in a lively discussion around a table with notepads and pens, surrounded by a bright room with large windows and a whiteboard filled with text.
In exceptional customer service, as in life, small things make a big difference. From the moment you greet a customer to when you conclude an interaction, many little elements add up to a successful outcome. Those little elements don’t happen by accident; they’re habits your team members form as they gain experience. Cultivating habits that lead to positive interactions—and culling ... Read More

Human Interaction — Your Key in Training Customer Service Champions

Smiling Customer Service Professional
What do athletes and customer service professionals have in common? The need for coaching to achieve high-level performance. While your teams may not be running sprint drills, they are exercising various transactional and interactional skills to deliver exceptional customer service. As a team leader, you want to coach your people to develop these skills and build the mindset to apply ... Read More

High employee turnover? Retain your team with great customer service training

Desirae training a group on DISC
Does this scenario sound familiar? More of your customer service representatives have left your company. Those who stay seem less enthusiastic about their jobs. They’ve been calling out sick more often, and your managers are struggling to properly staff your customer service department and meet customer expectations. Employee job satisfaction and turnover are constant challenges in customer service. But the ... Read More

Why Your Customer Service Training Should Be Adaptive

Customer Service Training Class
Embracing change has become a guiding principle for many of today’s most successful business models—and for good reason! As a new generation enters the workforce, leaders need to offer adaptive training that applies to the day-to-day situations their employees *actually* face. The truth is, many of the professional development options companies offer are unsuitable for today’s workers. People are looking ... Read More