The Advantages of Customer Service Training

Customer service training

Whether or not you believe the old adage “the customer is always right,” the customer service experience your business provides has a substantial effect on your reputation and bottom line.

What is Customer Service Phone Training and Why Do You Need It

customer service phone training

Solid and effective communication is the foundation of customer service: the words we use, voice tone, active listening, and non-verbal cues like eye contact and body language convey the messages that we send. But, when we communicate via telephone, we can’t rely on non-verbal cues; that is why Customer Service Phone Training is so important. 

Boost Your Customer Service from Good to Great

great customer service

Almost every business deals with customers in one form or another; whether internally or externally, in-person, on the phone, or online, your team is providing a service when they manage issues. Your frontline representatives know what they are doing and they’re good at it. But, why settle for good when you can be great? 

DIY Customer Service Training… Is It Really That Easy?

customer service training

When it comes to fixing a breakdown in customer service, many companies tell us they decided to “DIY” it. It’s only later, when they realized that what had started as a minor problem had become part of their company culture, did they seek professional help.

5 Reasons Not to Hire a Customer Service Training Company

group of people looking at computer in meeting

As a manager or business owner, you know that customers are your bread and butter. Serving them with a smile is all you need to do to keep them happy and coming back for more. But what about your employees, do they need a refresher course in politeness? You can teach them that!

You know what good customer service looks like, so it’s time to roll up your sleeves and deliver a customer service training skills class to your staff… how hard can it be? You don’t need to hire anyone, you’ve got this!