A client call center was seeking a training and development partner to help them improve upon inconsistent and unprofessional delivery of service to their customers. The customized approach that Bonfire took is apparent not only in the behaviors of their agents, but also in their message system.

Technical Support

The Customer

The customer wanted to equip their management staff with skills and tools to better provide consistent feedback to their reps to ensure learning transfer and continued use of the Bonfire skills.


The Challenge

Lazy language, lack of empathy, poor transfer skills, and an inability to manage calls were some of their challenges. The outcome of these challenges was a high volume of call escalations and complaints.

The Solution

Utilizing multiple observation days and management team meetings, Bonfire customized the training to specifically meet the customer's training needs and help them achieve their business objectives. The customer saw a noticeable decrease in call escalations and complaints, and improvements in call control. This client felt immediate results in call control.




The customer saw improvement in the quality of conversations with customers, reduction in jargon, local colloquialisms and slang, improved professional tone and listening skills, and a noticeable uptick in asking probing questions.

By taking the time for discovery, Bonfire was able to suggest adjustments on how to address a customer from the beginning of a call."

Director of Support

Mocha McGee


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