Management Essentials Course

Management Essentials Course

Course Overview

You want your managers to be effective leaders who run productive, motivated teams and improve business performance. But sometimes, managers struggle to figure things out on their own and rely on behaviors and instincts that actually erode morale and limit productivity.

We know how frustrating it can be when poor management skills affect morale and productivity in the organization. For nearly 40 years, the Ken Blanchard Companies have been training the best managers in the world and have created a program to give managers the fundamental training they need and deserve.

The only one of its kind, Blanchard Management Essentials builds on the secrets of the best‐selling business book, The New One Minute Manager®. Managers who receive the necessary tools and training are set up to become leaders who create engaged, productive teams and drive greater results for your organization.

Learning Outcomes

Includes pre‐workshop activities, engaging participant materials, videos, and learning activities that teach participants the following key concepts:

  • Manager Mindset – The mindset required to be effective at managing
  • Four Conversations Model – A highly effective framework for understanding the conversations needed to manage people and performance
  • Four Essential Skills – Purposeful conversations that create positive, productive relationships

After the workshop, participants have access to the Blanchard Management Essentials Challenge, which guides them through a set of tasks to practice new skills back on the job. They also have access to workshop videos and worksheets for a full year through the learner portal.

When your managers have the skills they need, they will form better relationships and bring out the best in their people. Don’t let ineffective management skills cost your organization time, people, and money. Help your managers reach their full potential sooner.

Business Outcomes

Build Early Momentum

Create High Performing Teams

Develop Future Leaders

Program Format

Implement Blanchard Management Essentials in your organization as a 6‐hour face‐to‐face workshop (including lunch and breaks) or as three 2‐hour virtual sessions.

Contact us to explore how we can meet your training goals! / 800-888-4893

Who should attend?

New and established managers, those considering a transition into management, managers eager to increase their effectiveness, and supervisors should attend.

Overcome New Challenges

Give managers the essential skills they need to succeed.

Get the Skills