CS Week 2023

At Bonfire Training, we celebrate YOU, your team and your commitment to delivering amazing customer care! We love being your training partner, and we hope to help “light a FIRE” by providing some tools as you prepare to celebrate Customer Service Week

We have created 5 micro videos (one for each day of the week) that you can use to recognize your team and celebrate everyone’s role serving both internal and external customers. These videos could be sent to your team through email, posted on your LMS, or shared in virtual or in-person meetings. Our ultimate goal is to make your participation in CS Week easy, fun, and meaningful.

Please take some time now to review the videos for each day and use the interaction buttons in the upper-right hand corner of each video to share the videos via social media and email, or embed them in your communications and website.

MONDAY: You have to be odd to be number one!

TUESDAY: Your Clients "Can't Help Falling In Love with You"

WEDNESDAY: Not all superheroes wear capes

THURSDAY: Every play is a touchdown

FRIDAY: Don't shake if off