F. Scott Fitzgerald described it best when he wrote, “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” And with the holidays upon us, are you taking the time to enjoy every moment, or has the season become an impossible juggling act of managing work responsibilities with family obligations and tasks?
The holidays will look different than in years past. There might be fewer in-person celebrations and more video calls. But that doesn’t mean that it’s going to be any less stressful or fatiguing. At the very least, take a breath and know…you are not alone.
So how can you manage the staggering responsibilities of work and family during the holidays? These simple tips are easy to remember and can make a huge difference in your happiness levels throughout the season – whether for work or at home.
1. Give Thanks
Did you know that scientists have conclusively demonstrated that brain waves change over time in people who consciously practice gratitude, resulting in greater happiness levels and reduced anxiety? No matter what your personal, financial, or work situation is this season, make it a point to find three things every day for which to be thankful. Even the smallest of things can count – like a warm cup of your favorite tea on a cold day.

2. Remember it’s the People that Count
In a poll conducted by the Pew Research Center, 69% of Americans reported that what made them the most happy during the holidays was time spent with family and friends. While this year looks different, don’t forget about all the wonderful conversations and connecting you can do thanks to technology.
Whether you’re in the same physical room, or in the same chat room, connecting with your loved ones is what’s important. Emotional closeness doesn’t require physical togetherness.
3. Fight Social Isolation
There’s a difference between social distancing and giving into social isolation. If you can’t be with your loved ones this year or you don’t get together with family during a normal year, there are still ways to reach out to others.
Reach out to an old friend, volunteer at a food pantry, or invite your neighbors to a virtual celebration. There are also programs that match you up with a family or child who you can support through the holidays.
Breathe in, exhale…and however you celebrate this year, don’t ever forget the impact you can make on others simply by having a positive attitude. A warm smile to a stranger, a heartfelt thank you to a co-worker – these are the things that make the season special.
Tell us what you’re grateful for today in the comments.
Additional Resources:
- Know how to identify the warning signs of compassion fatigue and explore the techniques to rebound and build resiliency.
- Empower your agents to make every interaction a productive and successful one!
- Train the Trainer! Your trainers meet our program. Train your team anytime, on your terms and your schedule.
- Check out what we offer and cultivate your team one course at a time.