If you work in a service industry, sooner or later you will have to deal with an angry, disgruntled client who will resist your best efforts to solve their problem. Service providers have to satisfy a wide variety of clients, each with their own quality standards. We serve many clients in the service industry and craft unique solutions for each one.

Customer Service

The Customer

Bonfire's client, the Shared Services/Financial division of a global medical supplies organization, wanted to improve the service culture of their division in the organization. Approximately 700 employees in three U.S. locations were targeted for the customer service initiative.

The Challenge

An employee survey was developed and administered to assess the current development experience employees had in the area of customer service. We discovered that very few employees had formal training in customer service. This seemed to contribute to the lack of consistency in being “like-minded” on how to create outstanding customer experiences.

The Solution

The training sessions were implemented by mixing different departments together in the same training workshop. This approach provided an increase in knowledge and appreciation for the impacts each department had on other departments. The use of different activities such as role plays and brainstorming assignments highlighted scenarios from the different areas and created the opportunity to connect and empathize.




Results were assessed via post-surveys and via feedback from the entire leadership team. The post-surveys showed immediate positive receptivity of the staff to the training and their intent to use the techniques. Also, the goal of 95% of the division’s participation in the workshops was met.

“The results were so positive that there have been several years of implementing the customer service training and post-activities for new hires to the division as well as including other departments in the training from outside the original division of the organization."




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