
  • Placeholder

    Inspiring! So insightful! Our team members have been enthusiastically applying new techniques since the training ended.

    True Homes


  • Placeholder

    Mary was great - energetic, informative, engaging. She provided us with a lot of tools that we can implement immediately. It was tailored to our specific company and needs.

    Hensley Legal Group


  • Stack of logs

    The training was well received by all employees in our department. It was a training that was needed & employees felt our company should continue to provide.


    Medical Technology

Customer Service Essentials

“Bonfire training is an integral part of customer service training for our CSRs. They crave and need the tools that Bonfire provides them. What's more, our customers expect and deserve the superior level of service that Bonfire provides to our internal and external customers."

Citizens Energy Group


“Having worked with our teams for about 10 years, Desirae is always on point with directing messaging to the teams which they can relate to. She stays current with product offerings and understands the workflow for our teams and customers, which allows her to customize our programs accordingly."

WS Audiology

“Stacy was awesome, I feel she and the curriculum she taught gave some knowledge to apply towards the job and personal life. I feel the team now feels more consistent in their work and that the company cares how they represent them, as well as themselves."

Medical Technology

“Tia was an excellent trainer. She was personal, humorous, energetic, and presented training to us in a completely new and exciting way that allowed us to enjoy the training."

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission


“Tia surpassed our expectations and more with our training. She was knowledgeable, insightful, and engaging. Our teams continuously came to say thank you and sing her praises."

Bio-Rad Laboratories

“Kelli's style and dedication to improving the skills of trainees in this area was crucial to the message delivered and actions of the team in the future."


“A senior director was very impressed with Tia's ability to switch gears on the fly. Her ability to pivot immediately was remarkable. We were very happy with Tia's training class and would love to have her back again."


“Desirae is a fantastic trainer. She is energetic, funny, and explains everything thoroughly and in a way that everyone can appreciate. She tailors her training to our specific calls, and she's overall amazing. Can't improve upon perfection."

Clarks Shoes

“Tia did a great job in presenting to the employees and the leadership portion. She kept everyone engaged with her humor and overall excitement of the topics. We definitely want her back."

GN ReSound

“Desirae keeps her audience engaged by her upbeat attitude and lots of energy. She researches the company prior to the training so she can relate to her audience. Great that the workbook is designed for the company and the audience."



“Simple plans that are well-executed make the best plans." Bonfire teaches simple concepts and spends the time practicing them so that they can execute them well when helping customers. They are the "best plan"! The group was very pleased, and I personally heard a couple say that the course was the best and most engaging that they had ever attended!"

Tacoma PUD

“Desirae knows our staff, our culture, and our industry and uses that knowledge along with her ability to remember personal details about our staff and incorporate all of that into her training to make them specialized instead of “cookie cutter"! She's amazing and all of our attendees agree. Working with all the Bonfire staff to build a training that will meet all of our needs is always easy and positive. They work hard to make all of our needs and special requests work for us!"


“[Mary's] knowledge and connectivity to our group is what we loved about her and why we asked for her again. She didn't just convey information, she connected us to the information and explained the why's of what we were doing. We are extremely satisfied with Bonfire Training and Mary and have even recommended it to other organizations we connect and partner with."

Bob Mills Furniture


“Met [Bonfire] several times in advance, iterated the agenda. Lisa was genuinely inquisitive and worked hard to design the program to attain our objectives. There was a lot of upfront work that went into this retreat. High energy, great agility to respond to dynamics as they unfolded. Kept the momentum of the session moving toward our objectives...had fun. She made it a great day."


“Mary was great - energetic, informative, engaging. She provided us with a lot of tools that we can implement immediately. I love that it was tailored to our specific company and needs."

Hensley Legal Group

Other Bonfire Training Programs

Multiple Bonfire Training Programs

“Tia adapts to every situation. She takes feedback and adjusts when necessary. Tia is always well prepared and presents with great knowledge and enthusiasm. The programs are well received by our employees."

Falcon Insurance
Situational Leadership

“Mary is truly amazing. She has helped us tremendously. Mary does a fantastic job of keeping everyone engaged."

Sales & Service

“Lisa was a real pro. She came and engaged quite well with everyone, spent quality time in understanding not only the problems, but the individuals involved. She was universally respected and listened to during the training sessions and she had the authority to deliver the techniques she taught us. I am confident this will have a very good impact on the team."

Career Consulting
Multiple Bonfire Training Programs

“Desirae is always fantastic! Her ability to present relevant information for our business, combined with the fact that she knows much of our staff, makes the training extremely valuable and engaging."

Clark PUD