Purposeful Accountability

Team members meeting at a table

Course Overview

During times of high volume workloads and competing priorities, service levels and accountability measures can suffer. This can result in missed goals and a lack of commitment. With that in mind, building a culture that promotes purposeful accountability and service excellence is critical to organizational success.

That’s where Purposeful Accountability comes in. This highly engaging team building course explores how beliefs and mindsets impact behaviors and how these behaviors impact internal and external customers as well as influence business outcomes and performance goals. Participants will be empowered with a renewed sense of purpose for delivering next level service standards and maintaining a culture of accountability.

In this workshop, participants will learn...

  • The importance of creating a culture of accountability that elevates the team member and customer experience
  • Customer-centric skill sets
  • How to have accountability conversations, including:
    • What factors to consider when deciding if an accountability conversation is necessary
    • How to prepare for and initiate an accountability conversation
    • How to address conflict/push back

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand personal impact to the company culture
  • Increase personal and team accountability skills
  • Develop new customer-centric skillsets
  • Know how and when to have an accountability conversation
  • Experience a renewed sense of purpose

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"Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result"

Bob Proctor

Business Outcomes

Enhance Company Culture

Elevate Personal & Team Accountability

Enhance Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty

Improve Standards of Service Excellence

Show Positive Impact on Company Metrics

Program Format

This is a one-day, onsite, instructor-led session that can be split into shorter sessions to accommodate schedules.

Live remote training options are also available.

The program is presented in a multi-media, fun, interactive manner with group exercises to engage participants.

Materials support additional learning reinforcement.

Contact us to explore how we can meet your training goals! info@bonfiretraining.com / 800-888-4893

Who should attend?

All levels of leadership, including C-Suite, department heads, and team leaders should attend.

Renew your sense of purpose

Build a culture that promotes purposeful accountability and service excellence.

Let's Get Started