Mason Health Success Story

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Our work is rewarding, that’s for sure, but it’s especially fun and satisfying when we hear from clients who are applying our methods daily. One such story is Mason Health Hospital System in Shelton, Washington. They recently shared with us a holiday recognition program that they rolled out in their new clinic to acknowledge their high-performing customer service associates. Check out this adorable Bonfire “huddle mug”!

What’s a huddle, you ask? Allow us to explain. Huddles are based around 13 videos that are less than three minutes long each. The videos are produced by our trainers, and each one reviews a technique learned during the Customer Service Essentials training course. It’s a way of sustaining the training (hey, that rhymes!) and helps to reinforce one technique at a time. 

Huddles are facilitated by peer leaders, and groups are limited to 10 people or less. Start to finish, a huddle lasts seven minutes max. Everyone stands up and gathers in a predetermined location. This spaced learning happens every two weeks and goes on for 26-28 weeks after the Customer Service Essentials course. It’s meant to be fun and light. 

During the initial training, participants receive flashcards with key information, techniques and takeaways. Mason Clinic’s team has committed to bringing those flashcards with them to the huddles. They hold each other accountable for attending these huddles and ensure that all shifts and schedules have an opportunity to participate. They’ve even shifted to Zoom huddles in some areas to accommodate those working from home. 

A big key to their success is strong leadership. Leaders who have committed to implementing this program, leading by example, and encouraging others to step up as guest “huddle leaders.” In addition to our Customer Service Essentials course, they also worked with Bonfire Trainer, Desirae Haynes, to conduct a Train the Trainer course so they would be certified  to carry on future Customer Service Essentials training with qualified internal staff at the helm. 

Despite being a large healthcare organization with today’s challenges, Mason Health Hospital recognizes that if they’re going to change their culture—everyone should be on board with it. It’s all about that sustained enthusiasm and support. They stuck with it and didn’t let excuses get in the way! We can all learn a thing or two from this commitment to customer service excellence. 

Have you been applying our methods and want to share your success? Reach out to us! We’re filled with excitement when we see all the ways businesses, big and small, are gathering around to improve their service quality. We love what we do, and watching our clients reap the benefits of our training programs is just about as rewarding as it gets. Check out our Customer Service Essentials course for yourself to see what all the hype is about!

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